Tri Devi

Tri Devi
eleneetha skin body mind

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This Is The Hairy Fact

rough list
I am including everything, even off the shelf store stuff
here goes:

Giovani~ makes my hair flat and oily, fake scent
Burts Bees Pomegranite~ Too expensive and make my hair dry, fake scent
Whole Foods Unscented 365~ Clean fluffy hair, a little drying and not in love with the lather
Alafia Shea butter shampoo~ hate the lather, leaves the residue, natural scent
John Master's Zinc shampoo~ Love it, makes my hair clean and shiny, not too oily, or frizzy, I think the scent is fake
Avalon Organics Shampoo~ eh, for like 5 dollars less I can get 365 shampoo with the same ingredients:) and twice as much shampoo. True! I like it ok, the lather is flat and it does leave a bit too much residue on my hair.

As one can see, shampoo is an issue if you are looking for a 100% natural hair washing. Most shampoos are created with sodium laurel sulfate and fake scent. The sls can cause cancer if there are allot of sores on your head and you find yourself scratching all the time, stop using that stuff as soon as possible, like now.
What to do?
I know, I know, you can rinse with vinegar and use baking soda..I am not always in the mood for apple cider vinegar. Clay, you say? Wonderful, fluffy hair, a bit drying and takes two weeks to finally rinse out of your hair. :)

People ask me why I do not make shampoo.
Well, for one thing, I am not a chemist. I can buy a pre-mixed "natural foaming agent for hair" and call it my own, which seems like a hassle.
The only benefit to that would be the scenting issue, which I am all for natural scenting in shampoo, that is for sure!
Back to what is real is that I am using right now, Natures Gate Tea Tree Shampoo. It has SLS and some sort of tea tree scent in it.
Next shampoo ready to be used will be Giovani's Body and Hair Shampoo with grapefruit oil. We will see, Giovani! We'll see!
Friday I will rinse all that crap out of my hair with vinegar and start fresh.

Next issue is all about face creams:

1 comment:

  1. I don't use shampoo at all.

    I make a paste with roughly a handful of baking soda in the shower, rub that into my scalp, massaging a few minutes and working a bit to the ends. Then I rinse.

    Then, the best part, I fill an old Odwalla bottle (which I've poured roughly 2 T. plain white vinegar into) with warm water from the showerhead, and pour that over my head, then rinse rinse rinse, and it cuts the baking soda out, the oil from my scalp out, and it leaves my hair feeling very manageable indeed.

    I have hair down to my ass.

    Just imagine the possibilities on infusing that vinegar with wonderfully scented things like rosemary or lavender, and then doing the rinse with it :)

    The thing that keeps me doing this is it is soooo inexpensive compared to shampoo, which is basically just a bottle of water with some synthetic detergents and whatnot.
