Tri Devi

Tri Devi
eleneetha skin body mind

Saturday, February 12, 2011

we're getting ready

we're getting ready
we're so excited
everything is wonderful
and feels brand new
even though we worked
we studied
we tried
we learned there are no favorites
only truth and the third eye
look with in
yes, there in your self
and get to know that power
which guides you day and night
and feeds every hungry cell with knowledge and light:)
a poem for Uranus
by me
little ""a in this case because I am not a writer, I am a soap maker, what do I know?

I know soap making and that is enough for me.
I make potions because I like oil on my skin and since it is still cold and I can ship butters until May, I aim to make some skin potions and butters which hopefully knock your socks off.

Today I begin with some neroli and pink grapefruit oils.
The cream is shea butter and avocado oil based with a little beeswax to hold them together. Not too much, just enough to make a cream.
And when was it that you said no to neroli with grapefruit (pink that is)? Always open and always bright and cheery. I like honest and I love no fear and no tears!
this is what I want for you and me.
Facing frightening situations with and open mind and fearless heart.
Eating properly prepared foods crafted by someone who loves you not some 16 year old kid in a fry factory.
Use good and natural cleansers, for your house cleaners and your sacred bod.

Crazie Annie's Floor Cleaner

1 Tablespoon soap suds ( basil soap in my home) gets rid of old unnecessary stuff and lets new money in. What could be better?
* I usually make the suds in my hand and fill my bucket with the rinse water, the whole idea being making a soap solution of some sort.
1 Tablespoon orange oil
a few drops basil oil
a good splash of vinegar (apple cider)

Add more water if you need to.
Start with the East part if your house.

I like this so much that I am going to make a soap just for cleaning your home with 100% extra virgin coconut oil:)
Have a good day!
Thank You


  1. Love the poem it is deep and i need to look into my third eye look within myself and thank you for these post Ana i enjoy reading them.
